A new record for Steam — more than 22 million gamers and nearly 1.1 million in CS:GO

A new record for Steam — more than 22 million gamers and nearly 1.1 million in CS:GO

this week, Steam has set a record, breaking the mark of 20 million simultaneous users of the service. If accurate, then the number of active gamers made 20,313,476. A great result and showed CS:GO, reaching 1.024 million.

In the last couple of days the service has overcome a record multiple times, reaching a new peak level. The number of concurrent Steam users were 22,378,747. The same applies to CS:GO — first the number of players has reached 1,053,911, while staying at the peak in 1,091,858.

this impressive jump activity, without a doubt associated not only with the release of Eternal DOOM and a demo of the remake of Resident Evil 3. One of the main reasons for the rise of activity — coronavirus.

If in the coming weeks, the pandemic will not decline, we will see new records.

Art in the header: Cristian Chihaia


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