Console commands for CS:GO

Console commands for CS:GO

Console CS:GO has a big role in the game. We don’t know not one game where the only detail you need to know the description of the commands. While a large number of teams must register before the match. Or rather you can not register, and save to your cfg and constantly use it. But most people still overestimate the console in CS:GO and too much focus on the teams, and in General over the cfg. The console command is a good tool to organize a comfortable game. This is what affects your game. So friends keep a detailed list of all commands and use of them

Enable console

in order to be able to use console commands you need to enable opening the console. This requires the parameters of the game write the command “-console” or in the game’s settings there is a option “Enable developer console”. The console opens by pressing on the keyboard button “Tilde” (E).

server Configuration

  • mp_restartgame 1 to restart the server.
  • bot_kick — to remove bots from the server;
  • bot_add_ct — add a bot in CT;
  • bot_add_t — add a bot in T;
  • mp_maxmoney 15000 — the maximum amount of money of $15,000;
  • mp_startmoney 5000 — the amount of money in the beginning of the game, $5000;
  • mp_warmup_end to finish the workout;
  • mp_limitteams 0 — remove the limit on the number of players in teams;
  • mp_autoteambalance 0 — disable autobalance the teams;
  • mp_maxmoney 15000 — the maximum amount of money of $15,000;
  • mp_startmoney 5000 — the amount of money in the early games $5000;
  • mp_roundtime 5 — the length of the round in the minute;
  • mp_maxrounds 155 — round limit (the maximum number);
  • when mp_timelimit hits 55 — the maximum playing time in minutes;
  • mp_c4timer 55 timer;
  • mp_freezetime 0 — removes the time freeze in the early rounds;
  • mp_buytime 500 — changes the time of purchase, in seconds;
  • mp_buy_anywhere 1 — opens up the opportunity to buy weapons throughout the map;
  • ammo_grenade_limit_total 6 — remove the limit on the number of grenades;
  • mp_warmuptime 55555555 — change the warm-up time;


server Commands

  • sv_cheats 1 — players will be able to use cheat commands;
  • sv_visiblemaxplayers 25 — the maximum number of players on the map;
  • sv_specnoclip 1 is a player in the spectra will be able to fly through walls and objects;
  • sv_specspeed 1.5 — change the speed mode spectrum;
  • sv_forcepreload 1 — players will be able to connect only after complete loading of the server;

settings of the mouse in CS:GO

  • sensitivity 5.5 — sets the Sens of the mouse;
  • m_customaccel 0 — disables mouse acceleration;
  • m_customaccel_exponent 0 — off the measurement of the coefficient of proportionality of acceleration;
  • m_customaccel_max 0 — the maximum coefficient of proportionality of acceleration;
  • m_customaccel_scale 0.04 — the normal (standard) value of acceleration of a mouse;
  • m_forward 1 — sets the sensitivity multiplier to the speed of forward movement of the mouse.
  • m_mouseaccel1 0 — mouse acceleration in windows, the initial threshold (2x movement);
  • m_mouseaccel2 0 — mouse acceleration in windows, the average threshold (4x movement);
  • m_mousespeed 1 is the rate of acceleration of the mouse in Windows;
  • m_pitch 0.022 — mouse investirovanie (Disabled)
  • m_rawinput 1 — direct connection of a mouse which ignores the control panel settings in the OS;
  • m_side 0.8 — sets a multiplier of the sensitivity of the velocity of the mouse;
  • m_yaw 0.022 — sets a multiplier of the sensitivity of cornering speeds left-right;

team Cheat

  • noclip — enables flight (passing through walls and objects), so this command disables this capability;
  • mat_wireframe 1 — enables the ability to view the skeleton of the walls;
  • mat_wireframe 0 — disables the ability to view the skeleton of the walls;
  • god — enables immortality, by re-using disables this mode;
  • r_drawothermodels 2 — enables the ability to view through walls;
  • r_drawothermodels 1 — disables the ability to view through walls;

Give yourself weapons through the console command

do Not forget that these commands only work if you have enabled cheat mode on server sv_cheats 1.

Rifle CT

  • give weapon_m4a1 — give M4A4 (no muffler)
  • give weapon_m4a1_silencer — issue M4A1 (silenced)
  • give weapon_famas — issue FAMAS
  • give weapon_aug — issue AUG
  • give weapon_scar20 — issue SCAR-20
  • give weapon_awp — give AWP
  • give weapon_ssg08 — give SSG-08

Rifles T

  • give weapon_ak47 — issue AK 47
  • give weapon_galilar — issue Galil AR
  • give weapon_sg556 to give SG556
  • give weapon_g3sg1 — issue G3SG1
  • give weapon_awp — give AWP
  • give weapon_ssg08 — give SSG-08

the Gun the CT and T

  • give weapon_mp9 — issue MP9
  • give weapon_mp7 — give MP7
  • give weapon_ump45 — to give the UMP-45
  • give weapon_p90 — issue P90
  • give weapon_bizon — to give the PP-19 Bizon
  • give weapon_mac10 to give the MAC-10

Pistols for CT and T

  • give weapon_usp_silencer — to give USP-S
  • give weapon_hkp2000 — issue P2000
  • give weapon_glock — issue Glock
  • give weapon_elite — issue Dual Berettas
  • give weapon_p250 — to issue P250
  • give weapon_fiveseven — issue Five Seven
  • give weapon_cz75a — issue CZ75-Auto
  • give weapon_tec9 — to give the Tec-9
  • give weapon_revolver — issue Revolver R8
  • give weapon_deagle — issue Desert Eagle

Network settings CS:GO

  • net_channels 0 — display information about channel in the console (the same information as the command net_graph);
  • net_graph 1 — turn on the information panel connection;
  • net_graphheight 40 — the height of the net_graph panel;
  • net_graphmsecs 400 — changes the update rate of a block;
  • net_graphpos 1 — the location net_graphа;
  • net_graphproportionalfont 0.5 — the size of the net_graph;
  • net_graphshowinterp 1 — displays a line interpolation;
  • net_graphshowlatency 1 — draws a graph of the Ping packets;
  • net_graphsolid 1 — turn off transparency lagomera;
  • net_graphtext 1 to include the text in the text block;
  • net_maxroutable 1260 — the maximum fragmentation in bytes of the package;
  • net_scale 5 — size chart;
  • option_duck_method 0 — hold/single press press squats;
  • option_speed_method 0 — stop/single key pressing the run;
  • rate 30000 — number of bytes that the client can receive from the server per second.

Team audio chat in CS:GO

  • voice_enable 1 — this enables voice chat in the game;
  • voice_forcemicrecord 1 — the recording of the microphone in the game;
  • voice_loopback 0 to hear your voice in the headphones;
  • voice_modenable 1 — voice chat in Vogue;
  • voice_recordtofile 0 — disable microphone recording in the file;
  • voice_scale 1 — the setting of volume level for all;
  • volume 1.0 — sound volume;
  • windows_speaker_config 1 — establishment speaker “Headphones”;

Team HUD (interface)

  • hud_scaling 0.75 — the size of the interface;
  • hud_showtargetid 1 will display the nickname if you hover over the player;
  • hud_takesshots 0 — disable auto-screenshot at end of match;

Other commands

  • bot_dont_shoot 1 bots when you stand still; If set to “0” again attacking the player;
  • bot_difficulty 0/1/2/3 — sets the difficulty of bots;
  • bot_knives_only Bots running around with knives.
  • bot_pistols_only — Bots only use pistols;
  • bot_stop — This command stops the bots;
  • bot_chatter — Prevents the bots to use radio chat;
  • fog_enable 0 — Allows you to make the smoke invisible;
  • mp_drop_knife_enable 1 — the Ability to throw a knife;
  • mp_teamname_1 “CQ” — the Ability to change the name of the teams: (1) — Counter-Terrorists, (2) — Terrorist;

unknown command

  • cl_bobcycle 0.8 — sets the frequency of the rocking image of the player while running;
  • cl_bobup 0.5 — sets the number of podsalivanii image of the player when running;
  • cl_drawhud 1 — turn on menu yet;
  • cl_extrapolate 1 — a simple linear prediction of the positions of the objects based on their behavior previously;
  • cl_extrapolate_amount 0.20 — the extrapolation is done only for packet loss to 0.20 seconds;
  • cl_predict 1 — produces a prediction of the player movement on the client side;
  • cl_phys_timescale 1.0 — sets the scale of time for client-side;
  • cl_removedecals 0 — don’t remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair;
  • cl_wpn_sway_scale 1.0 — the amplitude of the animation model of the weapon when firing;
  • mat_fastnobump 0 — turn off fast algorithm for rendering volume textures.
  • mat_frame_sync_enable 1 — allow to force a sync frame;
  • mat_frame_sync_force_texture 0 to force a sync frame to lock a managed texture;
  • mat_tonemap_algorithm 1 the old algorithm for drawing maps;
  • net_fakeloss 0 — simulates packet loss in percentage number;
  • r_modelwireframedecal 0 — do not show damage to the enemy;

Selection commands

start Options

This list is uses the majority of players.

Team for bots

  • bot_add — add a bot to the team which lacks players;
  • bot_add_ct — add a bot for counter-terrorists;
  • bot_add_t — add bot for terrorists;
  • bot_kick — use this command to kick all bots;
  • bot_kickBob — in this case, we kinnim only one bot with the name “Bob”;
  • bot_kill — if we do not specify a name, then kill all bots;
  • bot_zombie 1 — using this command we freeze all bots;
  • bot_dont_shoot — if we do not specify a name, then all the bots to stop shooting;
  • bot_difficulty — sets the level of intelligence of the bots (0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard);
  • bot_stop bots just stop;
  • bot_mimic 1 — the bot will repeat the actions of the player;
  • bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0 — using this command, we will redo the bot of the player;
  • bot_crouch 1 — use this command to force the bots to sit down;
  • bot_place — the bot appears in front of you;

radar setup

in the absence of normal information from its teammates is necessary to constantly monitor the radar and to track their movements on the map. For this you need to configure it properly and these commands will help you to do this.

  • cl_radar_always_centered 0 — centering the map;
  • cl_radar_scale 0.3 (usually 0.3 or 0.4) the size of the card;
  • cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.7 (recommended value of 0.7) is the size of the dots on the map;

set FPS

  • net_graph 3 — shows the number of fps;
  • fps_max 305 — specify the maximum number of fps in the game;
  • func_break_max_pieces 0 — number of fragments from objects;


It’s time to take stock of this article. We touched on a large number of console commands for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which can be useful at any time. We have tried to write deployed, it is clear and I hope that many players will find something useful for Seba.


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