CS: GO will automatically mute intruders' microphones

CS: GO will automatically mute intruders' microphones

Valve talked about a new system that will besiege particularly ardent players in CS: GO – if other users send too many complaints to the gamer, they will start to remove him from voice chat.

GeT_RiGhT continued his lone attack and smoked the central doors with smoke. Thus, Na’Vi had no idea how many opponents were in the center. As a result, they could not move to another point. With the help of two flash drives and quiet slippage in the smoke GeT_RiGhT killed one more: Ladislav Kovacs, aka “GuardiaN”.

After that, he waited a second or two, but no one tried to compensate for the murder at B or in the center, apparently thinking that the player at B went through the tunnels for information. Perhaps the smoke in the center served two purposes. Firstly, which is very obvious, it allowed GeT_RiGhT to crank up dark deals with flash drives. Secondly, this forced Na’Vi to go into reconnaissance tunnels, because now they could not know where they were going to attack NiP. After all this, there was a chance that they would understand that there really was nobody at the point, and Christopher realized in time that the player on B could try to get to him from the flank. This impeccable feeling of the game allowed him to catch his third kill on Yegor Vasiliev (“flamie”).


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