Dupreeh donated almost 100 thousand rubles to fight cancer – his father died from this disease

Dupreeh donated almost 100 thousand rubles to fight cancer – his father died from this disease

CS: GO Astralis player Peter dupreeh Rasmussen donates 10,000 Danish kroner (₽95,000) to the Danish Cancer Society. The e-sportsman also tweeted that this is the least he can do.

Earlier, Rasmussen’s father died – he was diagnosed with cancer, which he later failed to cope with. Dupreeh said that his father played a key role in his esports career – it was the head of the family who brought home the computer on which the Dane began training in CS.

The loss of Rasmussen became known the day before the team left for Intel Extreme Masters Season XIII – Katowice Major 2019. Dupreeh admitted that instincts prevailed over him at the tournament – he only thought about the game, not remembering family grief. Astralis became the champion of the major, and Rasmussen dedicated the victory to his father.


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