Looks like BLAST Pro Series Tournament Fall

Looks like BLAST Pro Series Tournament Fall

BLAST Pro Series Championship will be held in autumn. This was announced by commentator Arseniy ceh9 Trinozhenko. After that, RuHub employee Ivan Balyasnikov found links to the tournament on the series website. RFRSH Entertainment did not comment on the information.

See how the pros play. I don’t know if you need it or not, but you can download several demos from HLTV.org and study the best of them. Look carefully at how and why pros take certain actions. Obviously, when you play on your own, everything will be a little different (only if you are no longer a professional), but it will be useful to you in any case.

There are many good examples of how the role of a “tank” is played. I would recommend you take a look at some of the games Dan ‘apEX’ Madesclaire of the EnVyUs team makes. Admittedly, his team has become worse, but I still consider him one of the best players in the world as a “tank”. On the other hand, view your unsuccessful games as well. It may not be so much fun, but you will learn more by discovering your own mistakes. Try to figure out what you could do differently and try next time to do something new when you find yourself in a similar situation.


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