Valve is working on a system of autoprihlasenie rude CS:GO players

Valve is working on a system of autoprihlasenie rude CS:GO players

all team multiplayer games often need to coordinate the actions of the players. Often, when one team is playing in a completely unfamiliar players, sometimes you come across a rude user, insulting teammates, opponents or just very loud swearing during the game. br>
To combat such bad manners Valve is working on a new system autoprihlasenie players in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It will be quite simple: the more the player gets reports of abuse of the relationship, the greater the chance that it automatically mute for future games.

Valve has not explained how it will work algorithm. There is no information what is the standard level of violations and how often will I need to get them to the player automatically blocked. However, everyone will be able after some time to turn off this unit, and now Valve asks as tests often players create complaints about rude people.


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