Winstrike Team to battle forZe in New York Invitational semifinal

Winstrike Team to battle forZe in New York Invitational semifinal

BPro Gaming lost the Winstrike Team with a score of 0: 2 in the last match of Group B at the GG.Bet New York Invitational. Thus, the CIS team got the right to play in the semifinal of the CS: GO championship. The next Winstrike Team game will take place on August 7 at 14:00.

If you learn to do it right, then your chance to win such a duel will greatly increase. It is quite obvious that it is impossible to move and shoot accurately at the same time. And that means you need to learn how to stop quickly. Let’s say you shoot back, going around the corner to the left. If you release A, you will slide for a while; instead, press D to compensate for the movement, and then hold A and D at the same time to stand firmly on your feet. Train this movement until it becomes natural for you.

Let’s get back to deathmatch calls. There are many ways to practice. One of them is to practice only one aspect of your game at a time. In one run it can be a reaction speed training (shoot as fast as possible, you will barely see the enemy), and in the other – accuracy (no matter what happens – never miss the mark). In the third one, you can try to switch to the pistol as quickly as possible and kill the enemy from it if you missed from AWP. You can alternate them for ten minutes – maybe you won’t get bored.


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